The petting zoo and Easter Egg hunt will take place outside. In case of weather, the Easter Egg hunt will move inside.
Easter Extravaganza
Epic Easter Egg Hunt (4,000 + eggs to find!)
Petting Zoo by Joah's Ark!
Bouncy Castles
Games with Prizes
Face Painting
Easter Crafts
Easter Basket Raffles
AND Ice Cream from Sweet Escapes
Petting Zoo by Joah's Ark!
Bouncy Castles
Games with Prizes
Face Painting
Easter Crafts
Easter Basket Raffles
AND Ice Cream from Sweet Escapes
Raffle Baskets Sponsored by:
Thank you our many generous local businesses and community members who have donated raffle baskets!

What can I expect at the Egg Hunt?
The egg hunt will be happening throughout the entire event. There is no start or end time.
Over 4,000 eggs will be hidden in our building. Our volunteers will hide some very simply and others more complicated. Please plan on participating in the egg hunt with your child(ren)
Over 4,000 eggs will be hidden in our building. Our volunteers will hide some very simply and others more complicated. Please plan on participating in the egg hunt with your child(ren)
Note: the Easter Egg hunt is intended for children under 7th grade.
Do I need to Register my Family?
No, we do not need registration! However, we would love it if you invite family and friends. The more the merrier.
There is no cost for the event.
The Egg Hunt, bouncy castles, petting zoo, games with prizes, Easter craft, and raffle are all free of charge.
There is no cost for the event.
The Egg Hunt, bouncy castles, petting zoo, games with prizes, Easter craft, and raffle are all free of charge.
Easter Basket Giveaway
Thank you to our local businesses who kindly donated our Easter giveaway baskets.
Thank you so much to all our volunteers who have already agreed to help!
We still need more! If you are willing to help out with this community event,
you can sign up through the button below.
We still need more! If you are willing to help out with this community event,
you can sign up through the button below.