Children's Ministry
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Children’s Ministry at Heartland Evangelical Free Church exists to help fulfill the mission of our church. Our goal is to assist in raising up a faithful generation of children that COME, FOLLOW and SERVE. We want kids…
To COME to God by knowing him and his Word.
John 17:3, Col. 1:9-10
John 17:3, Col. 1:9-10

To FOLLOW God by loving God and others.
Matthew 22:37-39, John 4:7-12
Matthew 22:37-39, John 4:7-12

And to learn to SERVE God by serving their family, others, and their church.
Mark 10:45, Ephesians 2:10
Mark 10:45, Ephesians 2:10

What we Offer
Sunday School (Sept thru May)
- 4 years thru 5th grade
- 10am-11am
AWANA (Sept thru April)
- Preschool thru 5th grade
- 6:15-8:00pm
- Parents, you can download our Awana music files here.
- Our VBS typically has over 100 children in attendance and takes a small army of smiling volunteers!
- VBS usually takes place in June of each year.
Children's Church
- Children's Church takes place during the summer months during our 10am service.
- We would love to see YOUR child.
Children's Ministry
Forms & Registration