Heartland Evangelical Free Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services or our many Heartland events!

When we Meet
Sunday Services
8:30am & 10:00am
All Ages Sunday School
Throughout the School Year
Children's Church
Second service
Throughout our Summer months
All Ages Sunday School
Throughout the School Year
Children's Church
Second service
Throughout our Summer months
What To Expect
When you first arrive at Heartland, expect to be greeted by one of our friendly greeters who can direct you to the sanctuary, childcare, or Sunday school if you need direction. Services start on time, so make your way into the sanctuary when you hear music being played by our worship team. With worship, prayer, and sermon, our services generally run an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes long.
Our sermons are drawn directly from God’s Word, and we generally work our way through a book of the Bible at a time because we believe that God’s Word is what has power to transform our lives. Expect a time of worship followed by a 30-40 minute message.
Stick around after the service to meet some of the community, meet our pastors and elders, or just enjoy a cup of coffee.
Our sermons are drawn directly from God’s Word, and we generally work our way through a book of the Bible at a time because we believe that God’s Word is what has power to transform our lives. Expect a time of worship followed by a 30-40 minute message.
Stick around after the service to meet some of the community, meet our pastors and elders, or just enjoy a cup of coffee.
How do I get there?
10252 Hwy 55, Annandale, MN 55302
Discover Heartland

Ready to Learn More?
Would you like to discover a little more about our Heartland church? Come and join us for three nights in a small group setting where you will get better acquainted with our Heartland Church family.

Discover what we believe
Led by Pastor Denny and his wife Sue, these nights are an informal, relaxed atmosphere where you can get acquainted with others who are new to the Heartland Family. Free childcare will be provided for anyone needing that.

Next Class
We have various Discover Heartland classes throughout the year. Pastor Denny would love to tell you more! He can be reached through the email button below.