The Awesome Rewards of Sexual Purity
The world around us just doesn’t get the power that is formed through the bond of sexual intimacy. The Bible says, “For this reason man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 This one-flesh bond has at least three components:
•A physical bond – our bodies were created with reproductive organs; a variety of powerful effects happen to us when we are sexually intimate.
•An emotional bond – a whole range of emotions are created by sexual intimacy that have an equally powerful effect on people.
•A spiritual bond – this is unique to human beings. God created you with a spirit that is uniquely bonded with another human spirit when we are sexually intimate.
The church at Thyatira represents the church of the Dark Ages, from 606 AD to 1500 AD when the winds of the Reformation started to blow. One of the key ways in which the church at Thyatira was being affected was through a total redefinition of sexual morality.